Best Microsoft Excel Bloggers

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day!

Day 1... I've been planning on starting a blog for awhile however I have been so busy with that I just have not had the time. So, why a blog given all the other blogs out there??
Too few actually provide good clear examples so that people can actually understand what the Excel feature or function does much less how to actually use it. My goal is to provide practical Excel examples that you can understand and actually apply to your business. Of course, you'll have to listen to my random thoughts too.

I hope you enjoy this blog - bear with me as I get it up and running. If you have any useful software tips- even if they are not on Excel- feel free to post.

I do have a few videos on some different Excel features on Youtube - a link is below.
By the way, did you know that Yahoo! was originally called "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" ? - Me neither.

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Ms. Excel- Resident Excel Geek