Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Useful Software Programs

Do you like the new design of the blog? If you didn't notice, don't feel bad- it is not that different.
I have been working away on my new Excel Site called Excel-Diva.com however it is not quite ready yet. I will tell you more about it later in the week when everything on the site is actually working. There is nothing more irritating then clicking on a button that takes you nowhere.

Right now, I want to talk to you about some different software programs that I have been using. These are my personal opinions. I have not accepted any fee etc for these recommendations.  Between traveling and getting an IPAD, I have been using a lot of different software and Apps so I just throught I would share a few with you that I have found useful.

These two software programs relate to sending/uploading files.

First, if you are sending a lot of files - particularly large ones consider a zip file. The person receiving the file will certainly appreciate it. Also, a lot of mail systems now will not send large files.
I have used WinZip for years and have never had any problems with it. Winzip compresses your files and you can send a group of files or even folders in a compressed .zip format. You can also turn the zip file into an executable file so that the receiver only has to double click on it and the files all extract. You can password protect the .zip file and .exe files. You can also extract or add files into a compressed file.
So, if you have not used a zip file check it out. They offer a 30 day free trial which is always nice.

The downside to the .zip and .exe file is that some firewalls will not accept them. In those cases or in cases where my .zip files is still too big for my mail system, I use YouSendIt.
I just started using this program about 2 months ago and have been very pleased with it. They have a totally free subscription and then of course they have the enhanced versions. I started out with the free subscription but I did move up to a paid subscription simply because I wanted to send multiple files at one time. You can send files to people and see when they have downloaded the files. You can upload files and share them with others. If you are interested check them out. http://www.yousendit.com/compare-plans?incid=topNavPlansSignUp_txt

That's it for now. Later, I will tell you about some cool IPAD apps.

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