Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Guest Post: J. Helstrom

Spreadsheet formula errors may cause other calculations to also yield an error message.

This is aggravating, especially if you’re working with a large worksheet.
Formula errors can be fixed -  the hard part is finding all of them.

Luckily, Excel provides a handy tool for identifying formula errors.  It’s embedded within the Find & Select icon on the Home ribbon.

Press Find & Select, then click on Go To Special…
  or press the  F5 key and then click Special....

The following dialog box appears:
Click the Formulas button and then deselect everything except the Errors check box as shown below:

Click on OK and all errors in the worksheet are now highlighted.

As an example, assume that a worksheet contains the following errors:

When Find & Select…Go To Special…Formulas…Errors is selected as shown above, the result is:

Excel has highlighted all the error messages. 

If you haven't used Go To Special before - take a look at it. You can do a lot of cool things with it such as selecting visible cells only and  it also allows you to find cells containing Conditional Formatting and Data Validations among other things.